Nanny State Wants to Intrude When New Jersey Bars Try to Trick Customers

Once again the nanny staters are having the government act as our nanny. We don’t need the government figuring out if our drinks are dangerous. We can test the drinks ourselves if we want to protect ourselves.

Six Ways to Tell Your Bar Is Passing Off Cheap Liquor as the Good Stuff

On Wednesday, the New Jersey Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control raided 29 New Jersey bars and restaurants as part of Operation Swill, a year-long sting operation that caught these establishments allegedly pouring bottom-shelf liquor into top-shelf bottles and selling it to customers as the real deal

Sometimes, the fraud was a bit more blatant. “In one instance, a bar in New Jersey mixed rubbing alcohol with caramel food coloring and served it as scotch,” writes Brent Johnson in the Star-Ledger. “In another, a bar filled an empty liquor bottle with dirty water and passed it off as liquor.”

It should be obvious that we don’t need the Nanny State intruding if we are drinking alcohol. How many studies are there are about the risks of drinking alcohol? If we are trying to drink alcohol we can’t really be interested in out health can we?

Just leave us alone, and stop acting like we need the nanny state to protect us from tainted drinks (or just watered down drinks or being served something not quite what we ordered). If the bars can fool us why should the nanny state protect us from them – the bars just took advantage of our stupidity or laziness and it serves us right.

Related: Citizens Donโ€™t Need Nanny State Deciding What Food is Safe to EatIf You Want Unpolluted Milk Just Test It Before You Drink ItNanny State Recalls Beef Shipped from Kansas

Nanny State Wants Safe Medicine

The nanny staters are at it again. They want to have the state protect people from dangerous medicine. Eliminating regulation and inspection allows for people to chose what they want instead of having the nanny make sure every thing is safe. If people really wanted safe medicine they could test it before they used it. Why does the state have to respond to people getting sick from contaminated medicine by acting like a nanny and trying to protect people from unsafe medicine?

From the nanny state’s own website: CDC Responds to Multistate Fungal Meningitis Outbreak

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in collaboration with state and local health departments and the
Food and Drug Administration (FDA), is investigating a multistate fungal meningitis outbreak among patients who received contaminated steroid injections.

Patients and clinicians need to remain vigilant for onset of symptoms because fungal infections can be slow to develop. In this outbreak symptoms typically have appeared 1 to 4 weeks following injection, but itโ€™s important to know that longer and shorter periods of time between injection and onset of symptoms have been reported. Therefore, patients and physicians need to closely watch for symptoms for at least several months following the injection. See updated Patient Guidance for more information, and contact your physician if you are concerned you may have become ill from your injection.

The FDA has inspected the production facility after the contaminated medicine was used and has issued a preliminary report of violation of nanny state regulations and laws on the manufacturing of drugs for medical use.