Nanny State Wants Safe Bridges

A new report from the nanny staters at the The American Road and Transportation Builders Association reports on the unsafe bridges in the USA. The US Federal Highway Administration acts like it is the nanny states job to determine if bridges are safe for our cars and trucks. We don’t need the nanny state acting like we are kids that need to be coddled.

If we see unsafe bridges we can just stop and turn around and go somewhere else. On highways this might be difficult but we can just stop before the last turn off for each bridge and send our drone ahead to inspect the bridge and then turn off if it is unsafe and take a different route.

Why does the nanny state act like it has to protect us from dangers? They really need to stop being such busy bodies and leave us alone.

The nanny state reported that 29,505 of 143,139 bridges on the national highway system were deficient. And they encourage other parts of the nanny state apparatus to make those bridges safe. They don’t seem to realize if we want to drive on safe bridges we can do that for ourselves, we don’t need a nanny state trying to make all the bridges safe for us.

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Nanny State Doesn’t Want People Texting While They Drive

Nanny state thinks it should interfere with free choice of drivers doing what they feel like doing. Once again the nanny staters want to discourage free people from doing what they see fit to do just because they may kill themselves or others.

Sure texting while driving endangers the driver, their passengers and anyone else on the road with them. Sure many deaths and critical injuries have resulted from texting while driving.

We have known drinking with driving and talking on a cell phone while driving endangers ourselves and others for a long time. Still, people choose to drink and drive or choose to use talk on the phone while driving. Those choosing to do so know they are risking their lives, their passengers lives and those on the road with them. Yet millions do it anyway. If we wanted nanny state protections from deathly risks we could choose to not take foolish risks.

And sure texting is even more dangers that hands free phone calls or driving drunk but why does the nanny state have to get involved? Only to save lives and prevent injuries. Why would we want to give up freedom just for to save lives and prevent injuries?

Sure, distraction and teen crashes is even worse than we thought but we can’t let the nanny state win.

The results showed that distraction was a factor in 58 percent of all crashes studied, including 89 percent of road-departure crashes and 76 percent of rear-end crashes. NHTSA previously has estimated that distraction is a factor in only 14 percent of all teen driver crashes.

Who knows what the nanny state would do next to try and save lives and protect people from harm?

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