Nanny State Jails Doctor Who Profited Through Heart Surgery on Healthy Hearts

Yet again the nanny state thinks they know more than you and your doctor. Just because the nanny state thinks you are healthy doesn’t mean your doctor doesn’t know better. Certainly you don’t need a nanny telling you that your doctor can’t be trusted. You chose your doctor because you trusted them, if you didn’t want extra surgery you wouldn’t have chosen a doctor that liked to operate on what others see as health hearts.

Doctor who ordered unnecessary heart surgery and risky tests jailed for 20 years

A cardiologist who ordered patients to undergo unnecessary open heart surgery and performed risky tests and procedures in order to reap fraudulent payments from Medicare and private insurers has been sentenced to 20 years in federal prison.

Dr Harry Persaud, 56, from Westlake, Ohio, may have put lives at risk and threatened people’s health while making more than $7m from manipulating patients’ “sacred trust”, federal investigators found.

The FBI said he performed unneeded nuclear stress tests and recorded false results in order to justify catheterization, in which a tube is inserted in a blood vessel via the groin, arm or neck and into the heart, as a further diagnostic test. He then falsely recorded that patients were suffering blockages.

Dr Persaud inserted cardiac stents in patients who did not need them and sent patients for bypass operations performed via open heart surgery, so he could perform follow-up tests and bill for them, investigators found.

The nanny state sure thinks they know better than patients. Certainly patients wouldn’t chose a doctor that can’t be trusted. Why does the nanny state insist on trying to meddle in people’s health?

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Nanny State Wants Safe Medicine

The nanny staters are at it again. They want to have the state protect people from dangerous medicine. Eliminating regulation and inspection allows for people to chose what they want instead of having the nanny make sure every thing is safe. If people really wanted safe medicine they could test it before they used it. Why does the state have to respond to people getting sick from contaminated medicine by acting like a nanny and trying to protect people from unsafe medicine?

From the nanny state’s own website: CDC Responds to Multistate Fungal Meningitis Outbreak

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in collaboration with state and local health departments and the
Food and Drug Administration (FDA), is investigating a multistate fungal meningitis outbreak among patients who received contaminated steroid injections.

Patients and clinicians need to remain vigilant for onset of symptoms because fungal infections can be slow to develop. In this outbreak symptoms typically have appeared 1 to 4 weeks following injection, but it’s important to know that longer and shorter periods of time between injection and onset of symptoms have been reported. Therefore, patients and physicians need to closely watch for symptoms for at least several months following the injection. See updated Patient Guidance for more information, and contact your physician if you are concerned you may have become ill from your injection.

The FDA has inspected the production facility after the contaminated medicine was used and has issued a preliminary report of violation of nanny state regulations and laws on the manufacturing of drugs for medical use.