Nanny Staters Think the Government Should Protect People From Fraud

India Savings Deposit Scam Collapse Leaves Thousands Penniless

Sen, chairman and managing director of Saradha Group, said he owned 160 companies. About 15 operated as real firms, Senโ€™s lawyer Samir Das says.

Unlawful deposit companies proliferate in India. Saradha took in at least $200 million based on preliminary figures, Sinha says. Actual numbers may be bigger, he says. Such firms have raised a total of more than $2 billion, Sinha estimates.

Once again the proponents of the nanny state style look to government to ensure people can trust those organizations they use as banks. As we all know, people don’t need a nanny state to solve their problems. People should just do their own research and examine the banking enterprise to see how reliable they are, and whether they are using questionable methods similar to a ponzi scheme.

It is no surprise the nanny state can’t keep up with all the fraudsters. People should just watch out themselves and not seek protection from the nanny state.

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If You Want Unpolluted Milk Just Test It Before You Drink It

Indian Milk Frequently Polluted: Govt Study

Over two-thirds of Indian milk is polluted with contents ranging from salt to detergent which may perhaps be unsafe to drink, according to a survey by an Indian government supervisory body.

The survey across 33 states by the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India found that 68.4 percent of 1,791 milk samples contained adulterants.

Some supports of the nanny state would want people to be able to trust that the milk they drink isn’t contaminated. Saying no to the nanny state means you don’t have the nanny checking your milk for you. Just test it yourself. There must be test you can run after all this study figured out you are more likely to get contaminated milk in India than not.

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